Published: gennaio 25, 2013
Abstract Views: 1337
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This report will outline the main linguistic nature of Verdi’s librettos, with special attention to the peculiarity of each Librettist and to the lines of Verdi’s intervention on the formal role of the librettos. The introductive remarks illustrate fundamental methodological notes and the slant of the linguistic analysis, that must necessarily consider the drama component and the connection words/music. In the first part, we consider the textual stories of the librettos. On the one hand we focus on the cooperation of Verdi with the Librettists and on the other hand on the lines and the parameters of his intervention on the librettos. In the second part we’ll analyze (in a chronological order) the linguistic features of every Librettist, their melodramatic code and their original adaptations concluding that the personality of Verdi always dominate on everything.

Bonomi, I. (2013). LINGUA E DRAMMATURGIA NEI LIBRETTI VERDIANI. Istituto Lombardo - Accademia Di Scienze E Lettere • Incontri Di Studio, 133–164.



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