Published: luglio 19, 2017
Abstract Views: 834
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In recent years, many scholars (Ladyman & Ross [39]; Floridi [25]; Bynum [9]) have been discussing the possibility of an ‘informational’ realism. The common idea behind these projects is that of taking the notion of ‘information’ as the central concept of both our scientific practice and our ontology. At the same time, many experts in Quantum Information Theory (Lloyd [40]; Vedral [53]; Chiribella, D’Ariano & Perinotti [14]) have developed the idea that it is possible to ground all our physical theories by following an information-theoretic approach. In what follows, I aim at showing that it is still not at all clear what does it mean to be an ‘informational realist’. Consequently, I show the reasons why I believe is misleading to talk about informational realism as something that could actually supersede the most common forms of realism, namely the standard ‘object oriented’ and the structural ones. Finally, I suggest that the only plausible way to define informational realism, and thus, more generally, to take a realist attitudine towards Quantum Information Theory, is that of assuming an epistemic and moderate structural position.

Mariani, C. (2017). REALISMO, STRUTTURA, INFORMAZIONE. Istituto Lombardo - Accademia Di Scienze E Lettere • Incontri Di Studio.



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