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We owe to Hilary Putnam, among many other things, one of the most interesting revision of classical logic ever proposed; according to the author – or at least according to some of his temporal parts – we should abandon the distributive law in light of some quantum mechanics’ results. After having presented Putnam’s ideas (§1), and having set them within the philosophy of logic’s framework (§2), I will discuss one of the main arguments ever presented against the possibility of modifying logic on empirical bases, namely what Putnam himself has labeled ‘the centrality argument’ (§3). I will maintain that if this argument is correct then Putnam’s proposal – other than because of the criticisms that can be leveled at it from the point of view of the physical theories – fails for purely philosophical and logical reasons.

Sforza Fogliani, M. P. (2017). LA LOGICA È EMPIRICA?. Istituto Lombardo - Accademia Di Scienze E Lettere • Incontri Di Studio.



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